Teenagers know More about social media

Teenagers know More about social media

           Today i know which of my friend is going through what condition because i am spending my life with less of  them in real life and with most of them on social media, i know what they are going through, i know the path we are moving on, it is not hard to say that teenagers know more about social media as compare to elders. The reason is teenagers like entertainment in a different way also they are always more curious to know about how to get it, and if there is an online way to have that entertainment in a form of social media obviously they will take over it when it comes to the comparison with curiosity of elders.

           The function or facility of updating your current status on social media platforms are making iteasy for me to understand what my friends are doing currently, and now it is becoming a trend i may not get a message at my cell about the condition of my friend but i can read it on social media whenever i will turn it on. It is good in some aspects that we can update all of our friends in one click and it is not good in a way that personal communication even in between friends and that attachment is becoming public day by day which can be a sign of betterment or retrogression, we would know it with the passage of time.

           But this is a definite fact teenagers know more about social media as compare to non-teenagers.


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