Can You Think About Making Your Own Clothes?

Can You Think About Making Your Own Clothes?

                      Are you fed up with clothes that don't fit properly and are never quite what you expect? Do you have an idea of what you would like to wear, but can never find it in the shops? Are you creative and like a challenge? If so, you have all the qualifications you need - welcome to the world of home dressmakers!

Suddenly fashionable

                      Home dressmaking has become very fashionable lately, but if you want to take it up, beware. Some friends may think you are a bit odd. Cheap, disposable clothing has become the norm these days, so be prepared for intakes of breath when people realise that
(a) you actually took the time to make what you are wearing and 
(b) that you know how to do arcane things such as sew hems, create buttonholes and line skirts.
                       To many people, that's right up there with Morris dancing and spinning your own mohair in the list of odd and slightly retro things to do in your spare time. But no matter - your clothes will look wonderful and better yet, they will probably well outlast the clothes that your friends have bought from cheap outlets.

Could you just....?
                      The next problem you will face is when people realise that you are a competent home dressmaker. Once they overcome the initial 'how odd!' attitude, they will start asking you to mend things. Or worse, make them from scratch. In most cases they won't offer payment and quite often will expect you to use your own fabric. Their requests are best politely ignored - you can tell them until you are blue in the face that fabric costs and your time has a value, but they will never understand.

Crucial kit
                      So what does the home dressmaker need? Well, a sewing machine, obviously. This is far too complex a subject to discuss in this blog post alone, but you must do your research. There are so many models of sewing machine available and prices vary hugely between different vendors. Expect to pay anything from a couple of hundred for a basic machine, but don't rule out buying a good second hand machine. Many sewing machine shops also have traded-in machines for sale.

Trims and notions
                      It may sound trivial, but haberdashery is the key to successful dressmaking. Notions is the traditional term used to describe all the extras you need to make a garment really work - things like zips, buttons, ribbons, bias binding, elastic and other items. There are many sellers online but some cater for quilters and embroiderers rather than dressmakers. When you have made some garments and found your niche, you will have a better idea of what haberdashery you need.
                      Not all haberdashery is found on specialist sewing websites - craft sites often have lots of good stuff, including decorative and novelty items that the more traditional sellers may overlook. Many home sewers are crafters in general, so craft sites can be a good place to find everything you need.

Be Creative
                      Once you get comfortable making clothes using patterns, why not try coming up with some of your own ideas? It may take a while to get there, but once you get a good understanding of construction and fit, you can draw up your own patterns and make some one-of-a-kind items that you’ll be proud to wear.
                      There’s nothing better than finding a hobby that actually saves you money rather than costing you. Making your own clothes is a great way to learn a fun new skill, and you’ll feel a great sense of accomplishment when you’re able to sport your own unique, handcrafted fashions.

Do you have a style all your own, but just can't seem to find it in stores?
Wish you could make your own clothes? Now you can in just a few steps.

  • Learn the basic skills of sewing
  • thread needles
  • Sewing pieces of fabric together using different stitches
  • Understand how clothes are put together
  • Operate a sewing machine
  • Once you learn how to sew, build your skills.
  • Advance. When you feel that your skills are good enough try some elementary patterns. Go to a local fabric store to get a sense of what is available.
  • Once you successfully complete your first pattern, try a few more.
  • Draw your own patterns.


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