Earthquake Proof Table
The Earthquake Proof Table
People who live in earthquake-prone areas are always interested in something new that will promise to provide stable shelter for them when the ground starts to shake. Inventors Ido Bruno and Arthur Brutter were determined to provide people with a safer alternative to what they have now; so they invented the earthquake proof table.
Arthur Brutter came across pictures of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and was particularly moved at seeing pictures of a school that had been crushed. During this devastating earthquake, the island was destroyed and an estimated of 200,000 people lost their lives. Bruno and Brutter wanted to invent something that would be easily accessible to people who live in areas of the world that are prone to earthquakes. They wanted it to be affordable enough to enable everyone to be able to have one.
Brutter, upon seeing pictures of the disastrous aftermath of the quake, made a decision to build a table that would save the lives of those who are trapped in unsafe buildings during an earthquake. Together with his co-inventer, Ido Bruno, who had also been Brutter’s former lecturer, the two invented a table that was cheap and reinforced, one that two school children could lift. However, it would be strong enough to handle up to a ton of pressure on top, if need be.
The table is geometrically built, and is made to keep an even amount of weight across the surface. This would enable the table to hold its shape in the event of the building around it came down. The table would stand in spite of the weight coming down on top of it. Brutter says that the table will transform energy and then absorb it. It will absorb the energy of whatever object falls on the surface and will force the debris off to the side. The table is also constructed in such a way that several of them can be placed in the form of a passageway through the rubble of a building in order to help rescue teams.