Deal With Work Stress
How Does Work Stress Affect Your Health
Living life on the fast lane may take a toll on your health. So slow down and enjoy the beauty of life.
Have you become so goal oriented that you have missed the beauty of life? I really loved this quote by Joel Osteen “Slow down and enjoy the journey. There will always be another dream, another goal and another challenge. Take time for what matters most.”
Sometimes our workload may become too much that it leads to stress. And the sad part is that we do not even have the time to think about it. But science warns that stress can adversely affect our wellbeing, it can even affect our kids. Want to know how?
Studies have found that stress could produce long term changes in sperm. This could affect the brain development of offspring. Fathers who suffered stress as a preadolescent or adult risk of leaving a lasting impression on his sperm that gives his sons and daughters a blunted reaction to stress shout out one study. This blunted reaction to stress means the offspring is prone to several mental disorders. Ouch that hurts!
Work related stress is linked with increased blood fat levels and cardiovascular health risks. Researchers found that workers who suffered stress due to job difficulties for over a period of 12 months suffered from dyslipidemia. Now don’t look at me like that. It is a metabolic disorder that results in increased total cholesterol, low density lipoproteins and triglyceride levels.
The workers with job stress suffered from very high levels of bad cholesterol and excessively low levels of good cholesterol and had a high risk of potential artery blockage. Having caused a hell of problems stress does not stop with that. It even has a significant impact on diabetes.
People who have a high social support at work have a very risk of developing diabetes provided taking several other parameters into consideration. Dr. Toker who conducted the above research study says “Beyond the hours spend in the office, technology now allows us to be constantly connected, heightening expectations that work will be completed in non working hours, ultimately increasing work loads. This takes a toll on our health.”
Living life on the fast lane may affect your health. So slow down and enjoy your journey and you may reach your destination calm, refreshed and could have accomplished more than you thought. You know what this could be a self fulfilling prophecy.
6 Ways to Handle Stress at Work
There is no doubt that most people have stress at work, whether from unexpected events, or daily issues. It’s a place you spend a majority of your time, so learning how to handle stress is the key to remaining productive and calm.
1.Walk Away
Take the time to get away from the stress, if only for a moment. It can allow you to gain perspective of the situation, and help you make better decisions. Just getting away from whatever is causing the stress can help diffuse the problem.
2.Look At the Total Picture
Look past the current problem to the overall picture at work. It may be an issue you have with a co-worker or the amount of overtime you are working, but you have to look at why you are there. You may be there for the pay check, but you are also there to do a job for your boss. Whether you like everyone you work with or not, you have to learn to deal with them.
Sometimes just thinking about the job you are supposed to do can be enough to get past the issue causing you stress.
3.Talk to the Right Person
Instead of gossiping with a co-worker about the problems, go to someone who can make a difference; a supervisor, a manager, or another department that can help you find a solution. Gossip only fuels the feelings and compounds the problems.
When you go to the person to discuss the cause of your stress, have a solution in mind. Don’t just complain, but offer ideas on how to fix the situation. Not only does this help make improvements, but you feel that you are making a difference instead of just being a victim of the situation.
4.Get Physical
Not at work, but in the gym. Burning calories can also burn away some of the stress. Exercising releases endorphins that make you feel good, and can help you stay calm in times of stress. Taking time away from work on a lunch break can also give you a change of scenery and a break from the stressful atmosphere.
5.Become one with nature
I don’t know why but there’s just something about the sound of waterfall and birds chirping that calm us down. Drown the sound of ringing phones and buzzing photocopier with the sound of the rain forest. To be more in sync with the nature, you may as well have a goldfish on your table. Besides, the Chinese says the gold fish brings luck.
6.Consider a Change
If the situation does not look like it is going to be resolved, or is too serious to ignore, you may have to consider changing jobs. No job is worth injuring your health from constant stress, and sometimes the only answer is to find a new place to work.
This should only be a last resort when other possibilities have been exhausted. Changing jobs is not something you want to be known for, but it can be the best answer for certain situations.
The workplace does not need to be a stressful place if you know how to handle these problems. Being able to handle stress at work will make your life a lot easier.
Take care,
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